Age today: 34 weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 33-34
Date: August 11 -17
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9
Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page to see milestones already passed
Development: Another week where you just won't stop moving! It's pretty impressive the amount of activity you do. You want this. You want that. You squirm and flip and crawl and try to stand even... which you can't do yet but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just around the corner
Concerns: None
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day
Foods Tried: Peas, Green beans
Sleeping Habits: Well the routine is still off. For the first part of the week you woke between 1-3am to eat and then went again until 7... well I am NOT going back to waking up in the middle of the night but because you are so low on the percentile chart I have decided to start a dream feed and I go in at 10:40 to feed you which sustains you until 7am the next morning. Naps are still good... but you will only take 2 and you honestly need 3.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best: You make this adorable face when you are angry. You scrunch up your lips and breath in and out really hard. It's hilarious! I need to get a video of it!
Worst: I was dead set against feeding you one night--thinking you would just go back to sleep. Well we stayed up from 1-3am and then mom gave in. I THOUGHT you weren't hungry and you were just used to waking up and eating. Silly me!
Other Observations/Activities:This week we stayed home! And although I love the beach it was nice to get back home and just be with you. Sometimes you need a vacation from the vacation. We hang out around the house. You crawl around and try and lick the floor... which is also pretty funny. Though whats even funnier is when I say "EM! NO!" you lift up your head and look at me like "What? it takes so good!". Super funny. We set up a pool in our "backyard" and you swam in it. God you love the water!
Pictures From This Week:
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
Having trouble getting baby to sleep in her crib? Use these tips to get
your baby to peacefully sleep in the crib instead of your arms, the swing,
or ano...
14 hours ago
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